You can enroll in the system by yourself. Once you are registered in the system, your courses will be automatically assigned to you, and you will be able to access the first lesson immediately.
Once you have completed all the assigned trainings, you will be able to receive your Certificate.
First, make sure you have entered your username and password correctly. If you still can't log in, you can use the 'Report Issue' button to request technical support through the Contact form, explaining your problem in detail and asking for assistance.
First, carefully check your login credentials and try again. If you're still experiencing the same issue, you can request a new password through the 'Forgot Password' link, which will be sent to your email, or you can fill out the form using the 'Report Issue' button to communicate your problem to us and request a new login password.
All of the trainings and certificates are free of charge.
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This website is developed and maintained by the financial support of European Union. The content is under the UN Women responsibility completely. It does not reflect the perspective of EU withoud having to do so.